To the jenth power ...

I read the books. I watched the show. I unflinchingly wore a sunbonnet to second grade. What started as a childhood obsession has developed into .. well, an adult obsession. I'm going to visit some of the sites depicted in the Little House series of books. Go west, (not-so-) young woman, indeed.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

We've Got The Punc(tuation), Gotta Have That Punc(tuation). Yeah.

I don't speak any Spanish, whatsoever. Okay ... I lie. I know a few random words from childhood viewings of Sesame Street. If I find myself in Spain and in dire need of an apple, I'm set. If I feel the need to alert someone in Mexico that a door is open, I'm golden. Other than that? Nada.

The thing I really like about Spanish is the punctuation. ¿The punctuation? Yep, that's right - the punctuation. If a statement starts with a question mark or exclamation point, there can be no doubt as to where the sentence is heading. Since I don't like surprises, this appeals to me. ¡Fantastic!

(Yes, I did look up instructions on how to make these punctuation marks. Better yet, I made a little cheat sheet. Because I am just that cool.)

The best one of all is the exclamation point. In addition to indicating what's to follow, it seems to amplify the statement, somehow. Next to "¡dynamite!", a plain old "dynamite!" just looks like a cherry bomb. Why, oh why, don't we use this method in English? ¿Why? I mean, we're unafraid to incorporate a random "pronto" or "sayonara" into our dialogue, so what's wrong with a little rearranged exclamation point? ¡Seriously!

Days until trip: 70
Money Saved: $440.00



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